The phone will perhaps have a WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) connection so you can sight the net and send and receive electronic mails. The earphone jack as well appear to have been enthused to the peak of the device alike to how it appear on the Nokia E63, v the E71 having it on the side optimistically it will be 3.5 mm so we can utilize normal earpiece! It as well appear that it will be existing in three colors. Judging by the frequent steal beckons on the D pad, it may have an ocular mouse. It appears very alike to the E71, however has a 5 mega-pixel camera. Nokia Chat s, a blog officially run by Nokia (NYSE: NOK), by chance posted a video to YouTube that cabinets the cell. The chance's is that this phone will have a excellent set of features for business consumers and bearing in mind there isn’t greatly news existing about this phone right nowadays we’re now leaving to have to chance a estimate as to whatever will be available. A predestination of publicity has been made about this latest phone and with a catalog of specifications gradually start to betray, we’ll rapidly be capable to apprise if it has been value all the ado. The handset appear to be a business phone and will have a complete QWERTY piano which will brand composing messages simple and fast. The mobilephone appear to be an develop to the lately free E71 however there isn’t greatly news existing as of so far since the phone hasn’t been free now so far.